Jack Kemp was such a great guy that it’s hard to find anyone who didn’t like him. You can find people who argued with him, but everyone liked Jack Kemp. He was just a nice guy. I didn’t know Mr. Kemp, but I did share an elevator with him once in Orlando. He was speaking…
Category: Opinion
Arlen Specter should retire
Arlen Specter’s defection to the Democratic Party is troubling because he is only looking out for himself. Doesn’t anyone care that our politicians only care about themselves, and not the people they represent? Mr. Specter is 79 years old and has been in the senate a very long time. Why not just retire? I was…
Best political cartoon ever?
Someone sent this to me in an email. It speaks for itself.
Obama agrees with Bush after blasting him in the campaign
What can I say, Obama is just like every other politician. He’s full of it. After blasting President Bush and accusing him of “undermined the Constitution,” President Obama now realizes that President Bush was correct in keeping the secrets around the Terrorist Surveillance program and is fighting the same lawsuit that President Bush fought. What…
Are we in a depression?
It sure seems like it.
Obama’s stimulus package will be a disaster
Why can’t the politicians get it? They are growing the size of our government beyond what we are capable of maintaining. Bush spent us into the poor house and now Obama wants to double down on that achievement? We’re headed for massive inflation and a decade of stagnation. No doubt!
I hate Daylight Savings Time
I don’t know about you but I hate daylight savings. I wish we’d leave the time alone. If we have to have it, my vote is to have it start on May 1 and end on October 1. That’s about all I can take. It screws my sleep patterns up and I just don’t like…
Cut Capital Gains Rates Now
With the market sliding seemingly out of control we need to cut capital gains rates immediately. Why not just drop them to zero. You would see an infusion of cash into the US within 24 hours. What are they waiting for?
Sarah Palin – Only time will tell
I have to admit to being very disappointed yesterday at McCain’s VP pick. I wanted someone with the stature of Colin Powell and thought the pick of Palin was a purely political pick. However, the more I find out about her the more I like her. She does have executive experience and is apparently scrappy…
Draft Colin Powell for McCain’s VP
Multiple stories have come out in the last few days about the possibility of Colin Powell being McCain’s VP. Unfortunately, the stories are probably bogus. I wish they were true because Powell is about the only individual that could add so much gravitas to McCain’s ticket, that it would offset the celebrity of Obama. Powell…
Where the heck is Neil Cavuto?
I’ve been frustrated for weeks as Neil Cavuto has been off the air with no explanation. I finally found out the reason for Neil Cavuto’s extended vacation. Without any notice Neil Cavuto stopped appearing on his show on FOXNews in June. I kept searching the Internet for news about when he’d be back and I…
McCain should choose Colin Powell as VP
Will it happen? Probably not, but John McCain’s best VP candidate would be Colin Powell. Secretary Powell is a mainstream conservative and has the obvious experience to be President should something happen to McCain. In my mind Secretary Powell is the best person we have to be President at this time, but he’s not running….