This video says it all.
There is no such thing as unbiased News
Are you a CNN person or a FoxNews person? Either way, you’re not really getting real unbiased news. Instead of experienced journalists giving us news, we get biased “infotainment” these days. Different networks target different audiences and bring the biased news they feel their audience wants to hear. In the old days real reporters went…
Firefox + Yahoo Mail = Problems
For the past few weeks I’ve been having problems with Firefox. I thought it was a Flash issue so I uninstalled and reinstalled Flash. All seemed well, but now every time I go to Yahoo Mail Firefox is sluggish and draggy until I quit and restart it. If I don’t visit Yahoo Mail I’m fine….
Jack Kemp – What a Good Guy
Jack Kemp was such a great guy that it’s hard to find anyone who didn’t like him. You can find people who argued with him, but everyone liked Jack Kemp. He was just a nice guy. I didn’t know Mr. Kemp, but I did share an elevator with him once in Orlando. He was speaking…
Arlen Specter should retire
Arlen Specter’s defection to the Democratic Party is troubling because he is only looking out for himself. Doesn’t anyone care that our politicians only care about themselves, and not the people they represent? Mr. Specter is 79 years old and has been in the senate a very long time. Why not just retire? I was…
Best political cartoon ever?
Someone sent this to me in an email. It speaks for itself.
Obama agrees with Bush after blasting him in the campaign
What can I say, Obama is just like every other politician. He’s full of it. After blasting President Bush and accusing him of “undermined the Constitution,” President Obama now realizes that President Bush was correct in keeping the secrets around the Terrorist Surveillance program and is fighting the same lawsuit that President Bush fought. What…
A Few Things Mac Should Do Like Windows
I know what you’re thinking. “Are you crazy? Mac is so much better than Windows.” That may be true, but there are a few things that I wish my Mac could do the way Windows does it. 1. Alt + TabI really miss my Alt + Tab keystrokes in Windows. I got it to work…
Default apps reset in Mac OS X Leopard
I noticed my default applications were getting reset in Mac OS X Leopard every time I reboot. It turns out that FileVault has a bug in it which causes all default applications to be reset. I found the answer at the Related Link below.
Deleting files in Mac Trash without permissions
I’ve had a situation where large files are in my Mac’s Trash folder, but I cannot delete it because I do not have sufficient permissions. I tried to create a new folder on my desktop and move the files there but I couldn’t do that either. I searched and finally found this snippet from Apple’s…
Connecting to my iDisk in Windows XP
I’ve been using FileZilla lately after FTP Voyager started to give me problems. FileZilla is okay, but it does not support WebDAV. I need WebDAV so I could access my Mac iDisk from my Windows PC but unfortunately not many FTP clients support the WebDAV protocol. I finally found BitKinex which supports WebDAV quite nicely….
Tumblr is Blogging 2.0
I’ve been messing around with Tumblr tonight. I can’t believe how interesting it is. It’s like Twitter for Blogs. You follow other blogs in the same way you follow people on Twitter. You can also post to your blog in a variety of ways. You can go to the Tumblr web site of course. You…