Have you heard about someone hacking into Gov. Sarah Palin’s email account and posting the information on the web? This is totally outrageous! It just makes me realize how important it is to have a strong password. Can you keep every hacker out? Maybe not, but you can certainly keep the small time guys. Be…
iTunes movies are too expensive
I love iTunes, and I use it on my Mac and PC for managing my music. I recently rented a movie from iTunes just to check out the technology. It was pretty slick as I downloaded a movie before a long flight and watched it during my flight. I paid $3.99 for the download even…
Sarah Palin – Only time will tell
I have to admit to being very disappointed yesterday at McCain’s VP pick. I wanted someone with the stature of Colin Powell and thought the pick of Palin was a purely political pick. However, the more I find out about her the more I like her. She does have executive experience and is apparently scrappy…
Draft Colin Powell for McCain’s VP
Multiple stories have come out in the last few days about the possibility of Colin Powell being McCain’s VP. Unfortunately, the stories are probably bogus. I wish they were true because Powell is about the only individual that could add so much gravitas to McCain’s ticket, that it would offset the celebrity of Obama. Powell…
Where the heck is Neil Cavuto?
I’ve been frustrated for weeks as Neil Cavuto has been off the air with no explanation. I finally found out the reason for Neil Cavuto’s extended vacation. Without any notice Neil Cavuto stopped appearing on his show on FOXNews in June. I kept searching the Internet for news about when he’d be back and I…
McCain should choose Colin Powell as VP
Will it happen? Probably not, but John McCain’s best VP candidate would be Colin Powell. Secretary Powell is a mainstream conservative and has the obvious experience to be President should something happen to McCain. In my mind Secretary Powell is the best person we have to be President at this time, but he’s not running….
Boone Pickens has it right
Everyone should watch this video of Boone Picken’s white board presentation. We simply cannot continue to import the amount of oil that we import. We need to drill everywhere, use every biofuel, ethynol, etc., and conserve like crazy. BUT, we HAVE TO DRILL EVERYWHERE!
Tim Russert
This guy was simply the best in his field and will be missed! Meet the Press was my favorite show on television and it was all because of Tim Russert. Gone too soon!
PGP 9.8 Sucks
I hate to say it, but it’s true. I’ve been a loyal and avid user of PGP for over 15 years now. I started with command line PGP and moved to all of their Windows and Mac versions of the years. I was using PGP 8.0.2 for a long time and then finally decided to…
Xobni for Outlook
I usually hate adding plugins to Outlook. I’ve tried a few that claim to organize my email for me but I’m so organized already that I rarely have to search for things. I usually know where they are. I read about Xobni (Inbox backwards) and thought I’d give it a try. After watching the demo…
Mac Hard Drives Are Terrible
My Mac Powerbook drive crashed recently. I quickly found out what a hassle it is when you rely only on Mac. First of all, it was a major pain to open up the laptop to replace the drive. I’ve opened a lot of laptops in my time and this was one of the most difficult…
Spitzer takes a dive
This has got to be one of the most bone-headed moves I’ve ever heard of. How could this guy think he could get away with this. If one of those girls had gotten into any trouble they could easily have blackmailed him. Stupid.